Episode 13 - Bill Gates, Snowden, & Zero Day


Written by: Penelopenicia
Bill Gates, Ed Snowden & Zero Day
Bill Gates, Ed Snowden & Zero Day

Title: Bill Gates, Snowden, & Zero Day

Date: November 26, 2021

Description:  Follow through a dig with Penelope as she shows how the companies, software & hardware have been infiltrated through #MICROSOFT WINDOWS 8.0, 10, 11 & Server 2022 & another ex-Military technologist. Now #BillGates is selling out of software to build #TERRAPOWER Daisy Chain #Natrium #Nuclear #Reactor using #Uranium in #Wyoming & #Idaho. When will someone stop this monster? How many factions can Gates hold in this Country? Will he have his finger on the #power button? Snowden spoke up years ago about what was happening to the citizenry from the NSA & CIA at the same time committing the crime of Espionage. Enjoy this quick & dirty dig on a few topics people want to debate. Follow www.PENELOPENICIA.com


Episode 12 - Thanksgiving Celebration Grandma's Recipe Box Website


Written by: Penelopenicia
Recipes and Goodies
Recipes and Goodies

Title: Thanksgiving Celebration Grandma's Recipe Box Website

Date: November 19,2021

Link: https://grandmasrecipebox.com

Description:  Happy Holidays are a time to enjoy good food, friends, and family. Join Penelopenicia & her friend Kit. They talk about all you can do with her website Grandmasrecipebox.com for a yummy good time for everyone.


Episode 11 - Adam Schiff, Standard Hotel, Helicopter Crash, Israeli Spyware,


Written by: Penelopenicia
Adam Schiff & The Standard Hotel
Adam Schiff & The Standard Hotel


Title: Adam Schiff, Standard Hotel, Helicopter Crash, Isreal Spyware

Date: November 12, 2021

Description:  JOIN #PENELOPE & #JODAR as we peek into the vault with an old story coming back to life. #Adam#Shifty #Schiff is lying through his teeth on the ABC View. Maybe he DOESN'T FEEL WELL ? #Squirming ? Follow up on Charges against Ed Buck follow up on charges for the murders. #Spy#Softwares have haunted our WORLD for far too long.  #JefferyEpstein connections reach far and wide. How long before these elites pay for the corruption they have done for power?


Episode 9 & 10 - Deal with the Devil Expired


Written by: Penelopenicia
Making a Deal with the Devil
Making a Deal with the Devil


Title: Deal with the Devil Expired

Date: October 29, 2021

Description: FREAKY HALLOWEEN EDITION PART 1. Continued Part 2 on November 4, 2021.
Listen to Penelopenicia & Inferno talk about the Faustian deals with the devil. Are they about to expire from the 25-year mark? Who had the deals?
Did Alec Baldwin buy himself more time? Have you ever noticed how music can make you react negatively? How many entities do Beyoncé and Rihanna have inside them. ? What does human leather skin look like?
Prayer before listening is recommended.