Title: Adam Schiff, Standard Hotel, Helicopter Crash, Isreal Spyware
Date: November 12, 2021
Description: JOIN #PENELOPE & #JODAR as we peek into the vault with an old story coming back to life. #Adam#Shifty #Schiff is lying through his teeth on the ABC View. Maybe he DOESN'T FEEL WELL ? #Squirming ? Follow up on Charges against Ed Buck follow up on charges for the murders. #Spy#Softwares have haunted our WORLD for far too long. #JefferyEpstein connections reach far and wide. How long before these elites pay for the corruption they have done for power?
You can listen to the podcast here:
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Penelopenicia - Episode 11 - Isreal Spy Software, Epstein,
& Adam Schiff Gun Running
Show Links:
Newport Beach Helicopter Crash: 3 Killed, Police Say | Archive | |
GM of WeHo’s Standard Hotel Identified as Victim of Newport | Archive |
Key Wtiness in Ed Buck Case Speaks out NBCLA