Episode 13 - Bill Gates, Snowden, & Zero Day

Written by: Penelopenicia
Bill Gates, Ed Snowden & Zero Day
Bill Gates, Ed Snowden & Zero Day

Title: Bill Gates, Snowden, & Zero Day

Date: November 26, 2021

Description:  Follow through a dig with Penelope as she shows how the companies, software & hardware have been infiltrated through #MICROSOFT WINDOWS 8.0, 10, 11 & Server 2022 & another ex-Military technologist. Now #BillGates is selling out of software to build #TERRAPOWER Daisy Chain #Natrium #Nuclear #Reactor using #Uranium in #Wyoming & #Idaho. When will someone stop this monster? How many factions can Gates hold in this Country? Will he have his finger on the #power button? Snowden spoke up years ago about what was happening to the citizenry from the NSA & CIA at the same time committing the crime of Espionage. Enjoy this quick & dirty dig on a few topics people want to debate. Follow www.PENELOPENICIA.com



 Listen to Penelope here:


Episode 13- Bill Gates and Sowden, Zero Day Coming









Show Links:



 Microsoft: PDF Archive Video
 Gizmodo: PDF Archive Link
 TechTarget: PDF Archive Link
 SD Solutions, LLC: PDF Archive Link
 The Guardian: PDF Archive Link
 Threat Post: PDF Archive Link
 CyberSecurity & Infrastructure Agency: PDF Archive Link


 Microsoft Bounty:






Windows 11