Episode 15 - Ghislaine Maxwell & Israel Spy Software


Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell
Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell


Title: Ghislaine Maxwell & Israel Spy Software

Date: December 9, 2021

Description:  Join Penelopenicia as she goes into some Information she has volleyed around for a couple of years. This is a ball of string to unravel as the Maxwell case is pulled through the courts. We hope the names of those guilty of spying on our American politicians & citizens will be brought to light. The interference of our Governmental infrastructure has molded and shaped America not always for the best of the American people. Jeffery Epstein, Ehud Barak, Unit 8200 & many more along with Robert Maxwell & Ghislaine Maxwell will be at the center of this lie told to the American people.  Listen as Penelope begins to bring to light the truth with the help of a 2019 recording from Lee Stranahan & Whitney Webb. Double confirmation from articles and discussing previous work Penelope has done. This is the first of many and many more parts to come on this travesty of foreign interference from foreign bad actors & some American dual citizenship politicians. This is about BLACKMAIL & CONTROL. Find me on Penelopenicia.com & Penelopenicia.net


Read more …Episode 15 - Ghislaine Maxwell & Israel Spy Software

Episode 14 - China Ruling the World


China Ruling The World
China Ruling The World


Title: China Ruling the World

Date: December 2, 2021

Description:  Penelope Is delving into the mysteries of China with her guest “ BRUCE” discussing the “ CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY “ and PETA’S new  Gruesome Online Shop With Goods Made Of Human Leather.  Human Organ Trafficking funded by Dr.Fauci NIAID offers us trails to co-conspirators to come listen to us put the pieces together.  Explicit soft language 


Read more …Episode 14 - China Ruling the World

Episode 13 - Bill Gates, Snowden, & Zero Day


Bill Gates, Ed Snowden & Zero Day
Bill Gates, Ed Snowden & Zero Day

Title: Bill Gates, Snowden, & Zero Day

Date: November 26, 2021

Description:  Follow through a dig with Penelope as she shows how the companies, software & hardware have been infiltrated through #MICROSOFT WINDOWS 8.0, 10, 11 & Server 2022 & another ex-Military technologist. Now #BillGates is selling out of software to build #TERRAPOWER Daisy Chain #Natrium #Nuclear #Reactor using #Uranium in #Wyoming & #Idaho. When will someone stop this monster? How many factions can Gates hold in this Country? Will he have his finger on the #power button? Snowden spoke up years ago about what was happening to the citizenry from the NSA & CIA at the same time committing the crime of Espionage. Enjoy this quick & dirty dig on a few topics people want to debate. Follow www.PENELOPENICIA.com


Read more …Episode 13 - Bill Gates, Snowden, & Zero Day

Episode 12 - Thanksgiving Celebration Grandma's Recipe Box Website


Recipes and Goodies
Recipes and Goodies

Title: Thanksgiving Celebration Grandma's Recipe Box Website

Date: November 19,2021

Link: https://grandmasrecipebox.com

Description:  Happy Holidays are a time to enjoy good food, friends, and family. Join Penelopenicia & her friend Kit. They talk about all you can do with her website Grandmasrecipebox.com for a yummy good time for everyone.


Read more …Episode 12 - Thanksgiving Celebration Grandma's Recipe Box Website

Episode 11 - Adam Schiff, Standard Hotel, Helicopter Crash, Israeli Spyware,


Adam Schiff & The Standard Hotel
Adam Schiff & The Standard Hotel


Title: Adam Schiff, Standard Hotel, Helicopter Crash, Isreal Spyware

Date: November 12, 2021

Description:  JOIN #PENELOPE & #JODAR as we peek into the vault with an old story coming back to life. #Adam#Shifty #Schiff is lying through his teeth on the ABC View. Maybe he DOESN'T FEEL WELL ? #Squirming ? Follow up on Charges against Ed Buck follow up on charges for the murders. #Spy#Softwares have haunted our WORLD for far too long.  #JefferyEpstein connections reach far and wide. How long before these elites pay for the corruption they have done for power?


Read more …Episode 11 - Adam Schiff, Standard Hotel, Helicopter Crash, Israeli Spyware,